Sophia Liu Sophia Liu

Testimonial One

“Leo is truly a marketing expert. What made him extremely successful as a product marketer makes him an amazing consultant - he is a strong listener, incorporating what is said to improve his own thinking. Coupled with his strategic acumen, the insights he delivers are ground-breaking and relevant.”

Alexandra Shapiro, Chief Marketing Officer - SMB
Wholesale Payments, JP Morgan Chase

“Leo is truly a marketing expert. What made him extremely successful as a product marketer makes him an amazing consultant - he is a strong listener, incorporating what is said to improve his own thinking. Coupled with his strategic acumen, the insights he delivers are ground-breaking and relevant.”

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Sophia Liu Sophia Liu

Testimonial Two

"Leo Castro is an excellent business leader. He is the rare combination of a strong strategist and outstanding tactical manager. He is exceptional at defining, communicating, and driving overall strategic objectives and will also roll up his sleeves and dig into the details as needed."

Dr. Dirk Brown, Faculty Director
McNair Institute for Entrepreneurism and Free Enterprise, University of South Carolina

"Leo Castro is an excellent business leader. He is the rare combination of a strong strategist and outstanding tactical manager. He is exceptional at defining, communicating, and driving overall strategic objectives and will also roll up his sleeves and dig into the details as needed."

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Sophia Liu Sophia Liu

Testimonial Three

“Few people understand both the nuances of bringing products to market and the intricacies of collecting sound, actionable research to inform strategy like Leo does.”

Al Barraza, Chief Strategy Officer, Barraza & Associates

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